Digital X-Rays in Fairbanks, AK

Digital X-Rays in Fairbanks, AK

Digital x-rays are digital computer images. These images allow the dentist to see your mouth in high resolution, allowing for more accuracy and detail. Digital x-rays are faster and more accurate and don’t require as much radiation as traditional x-rays.

How are digital X-rays taken?

At our office, we use digital radiography. Instead of film, sensors capture the images that are then sent to a computer screen. The images are usually viewable in seconds, and we can even magnify the digital image as needed. Since these X-rays have negligible radiation, we can retake them as needed.

What are the benefits of digital X-rays?

Digital X-rays offer a number of advantages over traditional film-based X-rays. The digital images can be enlarged to show more detail, and they can be manipulated in a variety of ways. The X-rays can also be easily stored on a computer or scanned into your patient records.

Are digital X-rays safe?

Digital X-rays are safe, as they only use a small amount of radiation. The dosage of radiation is so low that it’s comparable to the amount of radiation you would receive on an airplane flight. Dental X-rays help your dentist spot cavities, dental infections, and impacted teeth, as well as bone loss.

They can be used to diagnose about 80% of common dental problems.

How do digital X-rays compare with film X-rays?

Digital X-rays produce a high-quality image that is instantly visible on a laptop computer. The image can be enlarged, rotated, or even color-coded. Digital X-rays can be emailed or printed for patients.

Film X-rays, on the other hand, require development, which can take up to 20 minutes. A dental professional must then examine the image to determine whether additional X-rays are necessary.

Is digital radiography a good option for me?

If you are pregnant or think you may be pregnant, it’s important to let your Dentist in Fairbanks, AK know. In most cases, the radiation emitted by digital X-rays is so small that it won’t harm your baby. 

If you have implants or metal fillings, digital X-rays may not be a good option for you. Metal doesn’t show up well on digital x-rays, so your dentist may need to use another form of imaging.

To find out more about the dental services offered at Bergeron Dental, call (907)-456-5600 or schedule an online consultation. You can also visit us at 3112 Airport Way, Suite 2, Fairbanks, AK. Our office is located on the second floor of the Fairbanks Dental Center building.


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Phone: (907) 456-5600



3112 Airport Way, Suite 2, Fairbanks, AK, 99709

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  • MON - THU8:00 am - 4:00 pm
  • FRIBy appointments only
  • SAT - SUNClosed